@extends('admin.layouts.app') @section('title', 'Dashboard') @section('content')
Add lightweight datatables to your project with using the Simple DataTables library. Just add .datatable
class name to any table you wish to conver to a datatable. Check for more examples.
Customer Name | Discount | Date Ordered | Status | Action |
{{-- |
{{ number_format($order->discount, 2) }} | {{ $order->created_at->format('D-M-Y') }} |
Details |
No Orders Yet. Please PROCESS AN ORDER |
Customer Name | Discount | Date Ordered | Status | Action |
{{-- |
{{ number_format($order->discount, 2) }} | {{ $order->created_at->format('D-M-Y') }} |
Details |
No Orders Yet. @if(isset($date)) For: {{ $date }} @endif Please PROCESS AN ORDER |
Total Sales @if(isset($date)) For: {{ $date }} @endif {{ number_format($totalWorkerSale) }}